Legal Disclaimer

We are not providing legal or tax advice – since we cannot know your particular situation in-depth. Please consult with a tax advisor.

This blog is not designed to offer legal advice. It is designed to guide you in the right direction so you can ask the right questions or do your own research. It is designed to alert you to issues and encourage you to think and plan. We are not providing legal or tax advice – since we cannot know your particular situation in-depth. Please consult with a tax advisor.

Tax laws change quickly. Therefore, information may be outdated. Please seek the services of a competent tax practitioner If you do anything complex or cumbersome. Doing so will save you from financial harm and distress.

You can find Enrolled Agents (EAs) here – at NAEA and Certified Public Accountants (CPAs) here – at the AICPA

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Some of the links on this site contain links to products or services that pay this site a commission. Only products or services that we know and trust will be linked that way.

We will try to remember to tell you whenever a link is commissioned. However, if you work on the assumption that ALL links as commissioned, you will never feel misled or deceived.


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